Descendants of Robert Pusey

Thomas Rand Morris' Genealogy Home Page The Home Page for the William and Caleb Puseys Send an e-mail to John and Paige Morris

The following represents an outline of Pusey information. This is not a professional genealogical compendium but I hope it will entertain you and provide a good starting point for more earnest genealogical research. If you have any corrections or additional information, or if you are interested in a free copy of the complete report of descendant information and sources, please let me know.

Many of my ancestors enjoyed pursuing their family histories and generously contributed their research and sources to any and all who asked. I have published this data in their honor and you are free to enjoy it but you may not use it for any commercial purpose or gain or allow it to be used in such a manner -- John McDowell Morris

[ Genealogy Home Page ] [ The Pusey Family Home Page ] [ Joshua Pusey and Mary Lewis ]